Have a peace of mind

Get a free trademark check anywhere in the world. Bonamark® is the only company offering free searches in 180+ countries.

Get a Free Trademark Availability Report in any country.

What you'll get

A free, fast and reliable trademark availability report prepared by professional trademark attorneys. You will learn if your mark is available and get the registration probability for your mark.

The report will be ready within a day.

What's the process

Check your mark

Free availability report with no obligations

We will help to determine the best trademark strategy for you (free)

Prepare for filing

Request registration of your brand

Get your mark


Hello! My name is Vladimir. I am one of the founders of Bonamark, and I started Bonamark in 2016 in Blackburn, UK.

I founded Bonamark based on my vision: honest fixed prices, no hidden fees, and the quality of support available only to clients of big law firms. All this for just 30% of what a traditional law firm would charge you.

In 2017, Bonamark was the first company to offer free trademark searches in 180+ countries. In 2018, Bonamark became one of the top Trademark Solicitors in the UK.

In 2022, Bonamark introduced free studies. A study is a more detailed trademark search that would cost you 200$+ in a traditional law company. We want to give our clients an easy way to check if their trademarks are available - in any country.

During the last seven years, we registered 7891 trademarks in 186 different jurisdictions, and this number grows every day. Become part of the Bonamark, and grow your business with us.

Bonamark's Story: 7 years of excellent support


Our company in numbers

Marks with ®






What our clients tell about Bonamark®

High Accuracy

Enjoy second to none accuracy in our free reports

We will help you understand the results.

Expert Consultation


Request the Report online and get it in a business day.

Check your mark availability in any country.



Can I order several reports?

Yes, you can check up to 5 brands free of charge. For additional brands order our extensive study.

Yes, you we can check your trademark in several countries. We offer the service in all the countries.

Can I check several countries?

Very accurate. The report is prepared by a team of attorneys specializing in determining the % of registration.

How accurate is the report?

What's included in the report?

What is required to get it?

The report tells how likely is your trademark registration.

We will require products or services associated with your mark. Also, your email address must be valid.

New marks are filed every day. Our report is accurate at the moment of preparation. It's valid for 30 days.

For how long the report is valid?


🏢 UK
85 Great Portland Street, First Floor,

London, England, W1W 7LT

🏢 Singapore

10 Anson Road #16-12 International Plaza, 079903

Our Locations


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🏢 EU
Postepu 15, 7th floor, 02-676, Warsaw, Poland

🏢 Australia

PO BOX 775, Cherrybrook, NSW, 2126, Australia